Source: BBC Radio 4 "The Archers" Archers: 2013-06-13 Thursday archers_20130613_1920a.mp3
You are listening to Thursday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.
OK, give me 20 minutes. / Who was that? / Bernet. He wants a meeting. Again. / Right. / Oh, by the way I did a bit of thinking about our holiday. / Oh yeah? / I didn't want you to be stressed about it, so I've decided. We won't go. / Really? / No. You need / pussy cat, / you can't do that / worrying about demonstrations or whatever. / Oh. I suppose you are right. / all sorted. We / off to Montenegro instead. / Montenegro? / Yeah. It's all booked. / left / brochure in the sitting room. Take a look. You'll love it.
Is there anything you don't eat / Uh, not really, Rob. / Adam will be happy with a pot noodle. / Phoebe. / OK. I'd better / need to set / bar a little higher / don't worry / grateful / invitation / Yeah. You don't get out much. / people / usually too nervous / forage / better I lose my nerve. See you. / Bye. / Bye Rob. / so / when's the farmers' market? / OK. / drop / round / sometime Saturday. / Cool.
I had my last exam this morning. Farm business law. / Oh. Is it just the cerial bar? / Yeah. / That's 85 pence, please, Pip. / Here's a pound. / shattered now, aren't you? / this week / 15 pence. / Thanks. Yeah, actually we've been texting. He's got his last one tomorrow morning. Geography. Well, I don't need the receipt. / OK / summer camping / isn't he? / envy, envy. It's Yorkshire for me, but only if / passed my exams. / best of luck. / Cheers, Helen. / Bye. / excuse me, do you need me help? / I'm not sure, really / It's Rob, isn't it? / Yeah. / Helen. I live at Bridge Farm. / right, yes / I've seen you / with your little boy. / Henry. / Right. / rather foolishly invited Adam Macy and his partner for supper tonight / caught in the headlight. / before the supermarket because I've heard you do specialist cheeses / what are you planning / anything an idiot can / in front of / professional chef / without feeling totally humiliated. / Oh, Ian's not like that. / Do you know him? / Yeah, he is my best mate. / Oh. Right. / you can fasttrack me? / Sure can. / Here, have this recipe card. It's all in steps. / Uh. S... lasagna? Uh, OK. / He absolutely loves it. / Straightforward? / Very. / the star is our blue cheese / source / really tangy / buy / you can buy all the other ingredients here as well. / Great. One-stop shop. / unless you / you want to use / vegi-m.... / Uh, no thanks / Didn't think so. / Oh, if / ice cream / m... sorted / this serves for six people. / Have you seen Adam eat? / Why don't you join us? / Uh .... / Otherwise it's just blokes. And four is much better than three.
Hello? / Oh, Phoebe. / Oh. / Ah, oh, no, come on in, darling. How lovely to see you. / I did try the front door. / I can't have heard. Sorry. / Are you all right, auntie Lilian? / Yes, yes yes I'm fine. Silly, silly me. I've just had a stink of a day, that's all. Now, what can I do for you, darling? / I'm doing a charity ...thon / school in India. Will you sponsor me? / Yes, of course I will. I'd be delighted. Put me down for, uhn, oh, I don't know, 30 pounds. Is that enough? / Wow. That's ... . Thanks. .... I like that. / Oh. I'm trying to come up with a color ... ... latest development / They are silver and greys. They are really pretty, like a sky on a winter's day. / That's exactly the idea. Do you, uh, do you think that this goes with it? / Uhmm .... just. / It's meant to add a hint of angry sunset. / A bit too angry. / Do you know, Phoebe, I think you are right. .... I'm sure that I've got soft drink somewhere, if you'd like it. Maybe even a biscuit. / Auntie Lilian? / Yeah? / Do you want a hug? / Yeah, I'd like that very much.
Such a pity Ian / in sick / all this effort. / Well, the food hasn't exactly gone to waste. / Oh, no, I'm stuffed. / It was delicious. / I hope / follow / recipe card / Jess is far better a cook than me. She ... everything / comes out right / like my mom / well / you must tell her / toffee ice cream / terrific / Yeah, well. That's down to / organic / believe / taste any different / Excuse me? / I bet you couldn't tell / blind test / that's not the point / so, you couldn't / can't separate / flavour / produced / organics taste superior. / Yeah, right. / this one, Rob / much higher quality / all / grass / outside / for a start. / Well, at least our cows know what to expect / hustle inside / rains / summer / I think it's wierd / doing up there. / Some people think organic's wierd. / At least our customers can trace our products back to the farm / Oh really? / milk / after this / what, yeah. / that's a deceipt, isn't it? Come on, back me up here, Adam. / Oh, I'm staying out of this. / It'll be still be local-ish. / Ish. / Well, it's not as if we were bying / from Romania or something. It will be fully tracable / your milk will end up / cheese / supermarket / China, most likely. / It's not my business where the milk goes / herd manager / exactly / what's gone wrong with the food chain. No one can keep track of / It's too big. / please / not horse meat / tried / once in / delicious. / taste like isn't the point. If I can't believe / label, that's a deceipt. / takes my choice about / put / apolling / ok / shumbles, I agree / globalized industrial food chain out of control. We outsource / poor countries / at best / suspect / cutting corners / I mean / growing / industrial / it's not safe. / But people demand food they can realistically afford. They can't all shop / Ambridge Organics / Hey / as fabulous as it is. .... Anyway, our milk / be totally safe and extremely high quality / I know you have / interest, Helen, / independent / just can't feed enough people / look, I'm not / and I don't have / need / reaction / supermarket / but I do question their ethics / the rate they are expanding. / The global market exists for a reason. / Yeah, to make profits for the traders speculating on food prices / small farmers' you benefit. / defend / you can't turn the clock back. It's not exactly practical for everyone to keep a pig in the backyard and / row of carrots / window sill / always need import / I think you've just described Bridge Farm. / Oh, shut up, Adam. / The UK would be in / bring in / grain / weather / I do realize that. / And if you don't approve / big operations like ours / I don't / but at least we can supply at volume and securely, and that's becoming critical. / At the cost of / industrializing / countryside / destroying natural habitat / come on, now, Helen. Farming's always shaped the landscape. Anyway, it would help wildlife / more / people / stop concrete / front / a few nettles / butterfulies can feed. / Well, I do agree with you there. / Halleluja. / didn't have / you as a wildlife type. / Huh. Good. Then I have surprized you? / You have, actually. / I'm a country boy, you know. / then you are a paradox. / never been called that before. .... Ha ha, how on earth did we get from toffee ice cream to butterflies? / Can't remember. But it was fun. / Yeah, it was. / Have you got any brandy, Rob? / Sure thing, uh, in the kitchen. Helen? / Maybe a small one. / Excellent. .... Shan't be a tick. .... Hi Jess? How is it going? / You got under his skin there, Helen. / Was it too much? / Too much? What are you talking about? He's loving it. Anyway, he's a big, strong man. He can take it. / And, an attractive one. / I thought so. / come on, Adam. / I couldn't possibly comment. / Why are they always gay or married? / Oh, darling.
So, you're / right / look / Montenegro then? / Yeah, it's, uh, .... it's lovely. / No more than you desire, puss. I can't wait. / No / Well, look, I think I'm gonna go / not ask me what bernard said? / what did he say? / five to six weeks for structural work, not including the / expect to / stripper / next week / Yeah. / Good. Look, I'm gonna / seems too long to me. I wonder if we've gone with a right firm. / Oh, Matt, no, please, I can't have this conversation now. I'm too tired. / Maybe, uh, maybe you should sleep in the spare room tonight, eh? You've been keeping me awake / nights / Yeah. All right. Might not be a bad idea. / both suffering. / No. / I, uh, I think I should go to Paul's funeral on Monday, don't you? / Monday? / Yeah, didn't I mention it? / No. / Will you come with me? / Uh, .... Monday? / Yeah, yeah. Morning. / No, it's not possible, Matt. I've got my final meeting with Rick / we really need to send / architect before we go ... on holiday / come on, come on, don't ... / out me, puss. / I thought you wanna support me. / Of course I want to, darling. / I'm useless / all that small talk. You are the one pushed me to / track ... down in the first place, and you / bad idea / I wish I never had now. / Do you? / My life made sense before. / Sorry you feel that. / ... . Families. All they bring is baggage. And now, hurting. He was my brother. / Yeah. / Anyway, you've been invited.